The business world can seem difficult as an introvert. How an introvert should market themself is a problem we all end up needing to solve after we see the many ways extroverts market themselves.
Introverts don’t always feel the need to concern themselves with what is going on around them, but instead find themselves happy focusing on their ideas and inner thoughts. WebMD states that introverts may take time making decisions, need quiet to concentrate, prefer low interaction and use their vibrant imaginations to solve problems. They also tend to be self-aware and reflective.
Those who assume introverts don’t have the qualities for successful marketing are mistaken. Plenty of the things that make introverts who they are should be considered strengths in marketing. Many introverted people have become successful business people, influential entrepreneurs, or landed impressive leadership positions. These introverts include Warren Buffett, Hillary Clinton, Michael Jordan, and many more.
Use technology and social media
Many challenging items have become a lot easier with the advancement in technology and social media—tools with which an introvert should market their products. Marketing yourself online is great, whether you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert. You can connect with an audience without communicating with anyone in person.
those who prefer a simpler life and don’t live in busy cities can even run a small business from their fingertips. You can live in Midwest cities like Kansas City, Wichita, Lincoln, Omaha or Des Moines and network to gain lots of repeat clients online throughout the country. You don’t have to pay anyone to find these clients either. Take advantage of self-promotion instead. But there is always the option to outsource this portion of your business if it takes up too much of your time.
Technology and social media can be used for any business. That includes construction, maintenance, production, food service and any other businesses you can think of. Social media is one of the best methods of communication. Beyond social media, you can take advantage of online time management tools too.
Take advantage of email marketing
Email marketing comes with countless benefits. Some people are afraid to dabble in it because they are worried about annoying people with consistent emails. You might be surprised to hear that 91% of US adults like to receive promotional emails. And it is up to you how many emails you send and how often you send them.
This type of marketing can feel more personal to your customers and clients, many of whom are introverts themselves. It helps you build credibility and strong relationships with those who have signed up to read them. Email marketing is known to increase customer retention and can drive more sales than other methods. This is a great way that introverts should market themselves.
Seek out networking opportunities
Networking events come with benefits, but connecting with people one-on-one can make more of a difference when it comes to marketing yourself. One-on-one meetings are often better for introverts, as you don’t have to communicate with a lot of people at once. This tends to be stressful for the average introvert.
Next time you find yourself at a networking event, chat with a few people one at a time rather than networking with large groups. This will help you build stronger connections with people who will benefit you in the future.
Maybe you’re not into networking events, though. That’s okay. It can be just as beneficial to schedule times to grab coffee with other people in your field or LinkedIn connections. These can also be set up through Zoom or Google Meet. No matter what method you choose, be sure to get some networking scheduled.
It is vital not to compare yourself to the extroverts in your field. Beyond looking at others for inspiration and an idea of what is working, these comparisons won’t help. Focus on your unique characteristics and how they can benefit you instead. Many of the things that make you an introvert are marketable skills. You just have to put them to good use.
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Photo: Aleksic Ivan Photography
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